The Official End Of An Era.

If you’re like me you follow the untombed webzine and read its news daily. And if you’re like me, you’re now a bit depressed, because one of Christian Metal’s Big 4 has officially announced its dissolution. That band would be none other than the LEGENDARY Deliverance. The band issued a statement which can be read here. Jimmy Brown and George Ochoa will be playing the final show ever, and apparently this lineup hasn’t occurred for over 20 years. So that of course makes it even worse seeing that I’m not going to be able to go to the show. so if ANYONE makes it to the show please fill us in, and have your camera on your cell phone locked-loaded and ready to go!

This band was waaay before my time (and theirs) but in the last couple years I’ve really come to appreciate and love their music. Deliverance released what could arguably be two of the top christian metal albums of all time, and certainly are two of the top christian thrash albums of all time. “Deliverance” and “Weapons of Our Warfare” are considered classic albums even outside of the christian realm. They were released in ’89 and ’90 respectively, amidst the middle of the Thrash era, and a time when Christian Metal was becoming a definable entity. Their catalog certainly had its downfalls, but so does any other band thats been around long (example: The Rolling Stones). So head over to grooveshark or your CD/mp3 player and blast some Deliverance in tribute to their unbelievable career and unquestionable impact on christian metal.

Of course this now begs the question(s), if Deliverance never existed how would christian metal be different now? And who would take their spot on the Christian Big 4? Chew on that a while and leave your thoughts in the comments.

One Response to “The Official End Of An Era.”
  1. Patton says:

    Because bands like Believer, Vengence Rising, and Tourniquet were still around I don’t know if much would have changed. I always feel like Believer had a bigger influence then Deliverence 9I mean, Believer influence Extol). But I’m not a big Deliverence fan anyway so…

    I always want to throw Living Sacrifice into to the big 4 for Christian metal even thoug their best records weren’t until 97 and Reborn. Because I think Pillars of Humanity is my favorite thrash record, I’d put the Crucified in the discussion, even though their reunion seems over now.

    Seventh Angel is back together….

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